Plugin's features & config
Here you can find explanations of almost all plugin features. You can find screenshots and/or text explanations of every feature.
Most of features requires you to provide ID(s) of role(s), channel(s) or your server. You can get their ID(s) only when you've enabled Developer Mode in your Discord settings. Click on User Settings button(gear icon) -> in App Settings category find Advanced point, click on it -> enable Developer Mode by switch switcher to on(will be green colored)
Section where you NEED to configure basic settings without which the plugin will not start
Defines what language will be used to send messages You can translate language file by yourself(and suggest your translation on our Discord server) or use pre-translated supported languages files List of supported languages ❘ here
Should plugin send message about updates of a plugin to a player(OP & Permission) and in console?
(Requires developer mode enabled!) Copy your guildID using: RMB on your server -> click on COPY ID button
Required to start the plugin. You can find Bot Token on Discord Developer Portal Some instructions how to setup this plugin: 1 ❘ Go to Discord Developer Portal, create(or choose existing) bot 2 ❘ Go to his settings, then go to 'Bot' page and enable in 'Privileged Gateway Intents' header: PRESENCE INTENT, SERVER MEMBERS INTENT and MESSAGE CONTENT INTENT 3 ❘ Scroll up and tap 'Reset bot token' button, then copy this token and replace 'ReplaceThisWithYourBotToken' with your token 4 ❘ Save config and reload the server
Since plugin uses unique encryption system for every token, plugin generate a unique password to access your token, so you should enable this if you want to change your token to let plugin generate new password for your new token. Some instructions of usage: 1 ❘ Turn off your server(or, if you use ReloadModule, you can keep server online) 2 ❘ Go to config, then enable TokenReplacement(replace 'false' to 'true') 3 ❘ Replace your Token with new one 4 ❘ Save your config, then you can enable server(or, if you use ReloadModule, reload plugin) This feature will set to 'false' when encryption success
Current version of plugin's components Please, use this to report any problem related to plugin
This can help you know what's going on with plugin. This can help you know what's going on with plugin. There are some indicators of plugin work that'll be changed until plugin setup success ❘ LAUNCHED - Plugin was launched for the first time ❘ TOKEN_ERROR - Plugin can't login bot with token you've provided ❘ SECURE_ERROR - Plugin can't encrypt/decrypt token you've provided [Contact developer] ❘ JDA_ERROR - Bot can't login for some reasons [Contact developer] ❘ INSTALLED - Plugin successfully installed and works fine
Database-related section, where you can change database type and its settings
Defines which database type plugin will use to store data You can use following types (case-sensitive): ❘ SQLite - local file database. Designed for small servers ❘ MySQL - server database. Designed for networks
Other database settings you can find inside your config.yml and usually it's doesn't needs to be changed. All information also included near these settings, so you can easily see what they do.
Section, where you can configure main features of plugin
Section, settings of which related to your bot
You can choose if you wanna set custom status and bot activities to bot. Defines will plugin change bot's status and activity
Defines which type of status bot will use. Available types(DND = Do Not Disturb): Online | DND | Idle | Invisible
Defines which type of activity bot will use. Available types: Playing | Listening | Watching | Streaming | Competing
Complements type. You can set any text(not so long), like: "Playing Minecraft server | 2 players online" This feature can count online players, so it supports vanish plugins to not count invisible players. Detected and supported vanish plugins you can find at the end of the config.
Working only for 'Streaming' type! Grants user open this URL while bot "streaming" something. For example, works with '' & ''
Settings which contains all IDs of channels that plugin will use
This channel will be defined as channel where users can type their nickname to be whitelisted
That channel will be defined as channel where bot will send welcome messages for whitelisted users Here you need provide valid channelID in which whitelisted player will receive Welcome message Required for WHITELIST_WELCOME_MESSAGE (7) feature.
In this channel you will receive every log message after some action(for example, whitelisting, linking or check). As before, needs valid ID Required for LOGGING (16) feature.
Settings which contains all IDs of roles that plugin will use
[Discord Role] Plugin will check for role with this ID(s) when user uses '/whitelist' SlashCommand Grants access to use '/whitelist' SlashCommand
[Discord Role] Plugin will add role(s) with this ID(s) when user added in whitelist
[Discord Role] Plugin will remove role(s) with this ID(s) when user was whitelisted
[Discord Role] Plugin will add role(s) with this ID(s) when user linked his accounts [] Role(s) will be removed when user unlink his accounts
[Discord Role] Plugin will remove role(s) with this ID(s) when user linked his accounts [] Role(s) will be added back when user unlink his accounts
[Discord Role] Plugin will add role(s) with this ID(s) when player click on ReactionButton
[Discord Role] Plugin will remove role(s) with this ID(s) when player click on ReactionButton
[Discord Role] Plugin will require role(s) with this ID(s) to whitelist user
[Discord Role] Plugin will require role(s) with this ID(s) to link accounts
Settings related to blacklist
Plugin will deny these nicknames being whitelisted When user tries whitelist his nickname and it found in this list - his try would be rejected
Section, where you can turn on/off every feature of plugin, configure some of them and read small description of every feature, configure EWhitelist and Vanish support
Special symbol for 'BEDROCK_SUPPORT' feature User will be able to place this symbol before his nickname in message and plugin will add his nickname with this symbol before nickname in whitelist /!\ It's not actual support of GeyserMC, patience and it will be added in the future.
!!! ❘ PLEASE, 𝐃𝐎 𝐍𝐎𝐓 ENABLE 2 SAME FEATURES AT SAME MOMENT - IT WILL FORCE RUN THEM TWICE! Documentation of how-to-use this system: 1 ❘ Section 'Plugin.Settings.Enabled' contains all enabled features that plugin will use as list 2 ❘ To enable some feature, read all description texted below, then scroll down in 'Enabled' section and add line with that feature in this list feature you need. This will look something like this: | ...: | | Enabled: | | - "EPHEMERAL_MESSAGES" | | - "EWHITELIST" | | | 3 ❘ To disable any feature, you just need remove line with this feature. This will look something like this: | ...: | | Enabled: | | - "EPHEMERAL_MESSAGES" | | | As you can see, feature named "EWHITELIST" does not enabled right now as shown above By default almost some features commented to disable them, you can enable them by removing '#' before '-', or just remove this line(to be honest, unnecessary) if you don't need them. We hope this mini-tutorial was helpful for you. Description of every feature listed below:
If this setting enabled - all messages sent by users and bot(except logs) will be deleted after 15-60(120 for useful messages) seconds
Defines will user get role when he was whitelisted. Uses 'RoleID.Whitelist.Add' as role
Defines will user lose role when he was whitelisted. Uses 'RoleID.Whitelist.Remove' as role
Defines will user's nickname be changed when he was whitelisted
Defines will plugin require role(s) to whitelist 'RoleID.Require.Whitelist'/link user 'RoleID.Require.Link'
Defines will plugin check nickname before adding/removing it to/from whitelist (for SlashCommand)
Defines will plugin allow use 'BedrockSymbol' before nickname and add native support for Geyser(Floodgate) (screenshot soon)
Defines, will plugin unlink user's accounts and remove his from whitelist when he left from Discord server (screenshot soon)
Defines will linked discord user's nickname changed like his Minecraft nickname (or changed when he unlinked his account)
EWhitelist is nickname-based type of whitelist, which is implemented directly into plugin. You can configure it as you want and as possible.
Defines will EWhitelist be enabled (not overrides 'Plugin.Settings.Enabled' section) Can be changed via the command /ewl enable/disable whitelist
Defines will Maintenance be turned on (only Administrators added in whitelist can join) Can be changed via the command /ewl enable/disable service
Defines, will plugin do a synchronization between EWhitelist and default whitelist (add/remove player) Currently does not synchronize exist players in both systems, only new players
EWhitelist kick message when player trying to join the server while he(player) is blacklisted
EWhitelist kick message when player trying join the server while EWhitelist Maintenance mode turned on
EWhitelist kick message when not whitelisted player trying to join
Section where you can configure Vanish support for plugin This setting is critically important for you if you're using Status&Activities feature, so now, if you configured this, plugin will ignore vanished players when count online players
The list of detected Vanish plugins. You don't have to change it, because it will be updated on every plugin startup
The list of supported Vanish plugins which support will be implemented in plugin, so plugin will use their API to detect vanished players. To enable Vanish plugin support just copy one of plugin's name in 'Detected' section above and paste it here as a list, example: Supported: - SuperVanish
We hope that this explanation helped you! Feel free to ask any questions on our Discord server. Use buttons below to navigate to next page(or previous).
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